9824447612, 9824443418



Tarot is a knowledge came out from the heart the tarot cards tells and depict recurring patterns invisible, known and unknown, obvious and hidden.

Specific cards give answers of important questions only.

They also give answers of such questions which are unspoken yet.

In short, they are helpful in giving answers of the common man’s questions.

Their motifs range from angels to legends

Tarot cards are divided in two parts.

Arcana Tarot

There are 78 cards in power tarot which are divided into 2 parts.

  1. Major Arcana
  2. Minor Arcana

Major Arcana

The major arcane concerns significant issues in our lives rather than daily occurrences.

Their importance prevails over all other cards in desk

The major cards are the mirror of one’s personality.

Minor Arcana

This depicts one’s solution and nature.

It has been divided into suits.

  1. WANDS
  2. CUPS

Consulting & counseling of tarot.

Hourly qution answer session personally & distance.

We provide training regarding tarot how to use and read tarot for other people.

This is 24 hours workshop divided into 2 – 4 day’s sessions.